About Me

Hi, I Am Serena Lewis

A yoga instructor, holistic health coach, personal trainer, reiki, and sound healer. My health and wellness journey started with yoga and took off. As an adult, living with ADHD and ADD is not easy. I’m a high-energy person, always on the go, and struggle to slow my body & mind down. I found yoga in 2015. Yoga taught me to slow down, live mindfully, and deal with past traumas & symptoms of ADHD/ADD.

In 2016, I became a certified yoga teacher. I dedicated four years to studying yoga anatomy, sequencing, injury prevention, pranayama, meditation, philosophy, and more. My love for teaching led me to start New Moon Yoga Teacher Training. Where I train & certify yoga instructors.

Having ADHD/ADD meant I was on medication for half of my life. In 2020, I began to have health problems from taking pharmaceuticals for an extended time. Without medication, I had a negative relationship with food, became easily depressed, experienced a lack of motivation, and found it challenging to stay healthy. In 2020, I became a certified health coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. This certification helped me personally and gave me tools to share with my clients.

Growing up, I experienced an array of trauma that I still struggle with. Energy healing through Reiki & Sound Therapy helps me the most. I’m a Reiki Level 1 & 2 healer. I have been practicing reiki since 2021. I invested in my first set of crystal singing bowls in 2020. I have led sound bath sessions ever since. I help my clients find energetic balance and heal from trauma.

After applying what I learned about nutrition to my life, it led me to the gym. I fell in love with strength training. In 2023, I competed in two NPC bodybuilding shows and did well. I offer personal training to help my clients build a body they feel good in and proud of.

My passion is helping others heal their relationship with their body and mind. I strive to help my clients find mental clarity, heal their traumas, feel good, build their wellness toolbox, and achieve the impossible.

What do Clients Say?

- Ana D.

(Yoga Student)

“My personal testimony concerning Serena Lewis is from my heart and from my core. When I came into Serena’s class almost a year ago, I had dealt with a diagnosed anxiety order all of my life; and I was going through many life changes at the time with which I was dealing well.
With patience she worked with me as a novice yogi and helped encourage me and instilled in me a love of the practice. Through my practice with her, I have become stronger, more balanced, and more centered. I have learned to immerse myself in the present and to be kinder to myself and to not worry about “tomorrow”.
Through Serena, I have been taught skills that I know I will use the rest of my life. My prayer is that Serena will always be with me and with my yoga journey.”

- Karla S.

(1:1 Holistic Health Coaching Client)

There were a couple of reasons I choose to work with Serena. She’s close to my age and someone I could relate too. My goals were align to what she offers. Take the leap , life is about taking risk . I needed to do something to change my lifestyle and Serena was a beacon of light . I learned how to be more aware of my food choices and treating my body as a temple. Reading labels, healing my body with nutrition instead of growing dependency on medication. The DYES/color gum all the crap that is added to your food. Reading what my food is made out of. Spending the extra 2$ for the high quality food is in the long run worth it. Overall, investing in my health NOW will save me thousands in years to come.

- Pollyanna R.

( 1:1 Holistic Health Coaching Program)

“If you are on the fence about working with Serena, you will not have buyers remorse! Serena is great at guiding you to really think about what you deeply want for yourself. Everything was all about me. She did not try to mold me into a carbon copy of anyone else, she just guided me see what was best for me. Serena takes the time and energy to really get to know her clients. This is not a cookie cutter program, she focuses on each client’s individual needs and provides them with the tools to excel in this wellness journey.”

- Tina C.

(Graduate of Yoga Teacher Training 2019)

Serena has plenty of knowledge with a perfect balance of education and entertainment to keep everyone engaged. She pours her soul into teachers training and her genuine love, passion and presence for yoga is undeniable. She passes on her knowledge and experience generously with humble grace. She holds space that is safe and unjudgemental. I learned so much about myself and the gifts of knowledge I received are priceless. The training I received transformed my life without a doubt. Serena is incredibly generous sharing everything she knows and her passion for yoga is without a doubt a journey you will treasure for a life time.

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